As one of the busier rooms in many homes, the Living Room certainly does bring people together. Conversations, entertaining, and socializing — both casual and formal — can all be part of the living room experience that stores up plentiful memories for many years to come.
And where do strong design details intersect with key decorating fundamentals? Right in the heart of the home. That’s right, the living room. If you want your living room to become both fashionable and functional, then here’s a practical list of five interior décor mistakes for Pittsburghers and wanna-be Pittsburgh residents to avoid.
1. Ignoring armchairs.
Two sofas facing each other is a charming look, to be sure. But an appropriately sized (and placed) armchair or two can create a fantastic conversation nook. This arrangement also affords more flexibility. It’s OK to move around the chairs, when more (or less) company shows up at your door.
2. Choosing only matching furniture.
Don’t be afraid to mix and match fabrics, styles and eras in your living room. The key is to pull it all together with a color and print focus to create a focal harmony.
3. Not hanging art.
If there’s a huge TV, it’s alright to hang a big, bold piece of art to counter the large television. Just make sure the color scheme matches your overall look and feel.
4. Using a single light.
Instead of a singular lamp or chandelier, weave in added wall or floor lighting to complement the natural seating patterns and occasions.
5. Focusing mainly on just old or modern pieces.
Instead of refusing to blend in older, established styles and patterns with newer pieces, don’t be afraid to morph the two together, especially in a post-Covid era where highly functional living rooms might demand more storage options, or a flexible focal space to work or do school from home.
Whenever you’re thinking about moving to Pittsburgh (or another nearby metro area), we can help you address whatever concerns you have about your moving day. Just contact us at 1-800-810-2635. At George Moving & Storage, we have more than 40 years of experience and expertise as Pittsburgh movers, along with eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia, plus full-service relocations throughout the USA. Contact us to learn more, or request a free quote today.
(Photo by Vecislavas Popa: https://www.pexels.com/photo/flat-screen-tv-1571458/)
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