Image Credit to Elle Decor

The holidays usher in seasonal decor and decked halls, but the pageantry of the next several months can also bring a lot of stuff. If just the thought of all the boxes and packaging overwhelms you, the minimalist aesthetic that’s taken root across the nation may have some home tips to bring you greater peace this season.

Pack it up

As you haul out seasonal decor, peek around at the other items you have stashed away. If there are containers in your closet which haven’t seen the light of day in ages, ask yourself whether you really need them around at all. And for all those items you'll surely be bringing into your home during this season, don’t just stuff them into a closet out of a sense of obligation. You won’t use gifts any more by pushing them into storage! Think of yourself as the gatekeeper of your home; you decide what comes in and what must go.

Picture This

All those handmade ornaments and decorations from years gone by may bring feelings of nostalgia, but the physical space they take up might bring feelings closer to nausea. Ask yourself: Would looking at a picture of those items bring the same amount of joy as having the item itself? If so, you’ve just stumbled on an ingenious decluttering hack. No, this trick won’t work for everything; some items are too precious to lose in their physical form. But I recently was able to get rid of dozens of shoeboxes stuffed with letters, notes, and cards from over the years, just by taking a picture of the ones I really wanted to remember and then recycling the actual items themselves. 

The Gift Hangover

There’s a gift-giving adage taking hold in minimalist circles: one thing you want, one thing you need, one thing to wear, and one thing to read. With this mantra, the insane rush to open as many presents as fast as possible only to see them tossed aside soon after is traded in for embracing fewer, but more prized items that won’t be disregarded so easily. And as an added bonus, even if you don’t consider yourself a minimalist or on that path, this is a great rule of thumb to encourage gratitude in children. Then traditions, experiences, and family can be prioritized more instead of things.

The minimalist lifestyle or decor style may not be for everyone, but some of these home tips might be just what you need to keep stress at bay this upcoming season. For your moving needs, let George lighten your burden even further by being your professional relocation experts!