Moving always implies a fresh start and so does a new school year. So, what better way to embrace all of the change, that to create a list of things you can do to make the most of this new chapter? There’s a lot to learn during seasons of change, so check out this list of things you can inspire to do in order to get the most out of change.

Don’t Freak

Stress is very normal response to moving or change in general. So, be ready for it and try to combat these feelings with some extra white space on your calendar. Know how you decompress – whether it’s time alone, yoga, exercise, walk with friends – schedule these things during the weeks leading up to and after your move.

Cease Opportunity

Coming into a new school year, can be intimidating for everyone involved, so use it as a time to introduce yourself to people. Do drop-offs and pick-ups with an open-house flyer. Ask your kids’ teachers to hand them out to the parents. This is a quick way to start building connections with others in your new community and also help your kids quickly make friends.

Forget Perfection

Don’t be worried about perfection right now and open the doors of your home to new people. It’s a great time to host a backyard BBQ or front yard Friday party – just be sure to invite your neighbors and enjoy learning more about the people in your neighborhood.

While you’re waiting at the bus stop, signing up or going to activities, try to schedule more time for conversations – don’t pack your schedule. Now is the time to be intentionally friendly with other people. Not only will it help you build community, but also it will help your kids start making connections more quickly.